Parasite Eve One and Two (PSone)

Last updated on 14 years ago
Please do Parasite Eve One and Two on PSone.

Thank you.
Want LP for this games too.
I also recommend at least the first game as well.
Been almost close to a month.
Dunno if this is bad, but I am going to answer anyway.

I can do Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve II.

A few limitations?
For Parasite Eve, I will do the main story (clean file) and use my EX Game data to get the other ending (IF I can convert the save data from my PSP memory stick. Why yes, the PSP I use is "special".). My reason is because Chrysler Building is BOOOOOOOOORIIIIIIIIING!! Plus it really long, even with a scan from the official strategy guide that has the random maps. >_>

As for Parasite Eve II, I have no clue how to tackle it. Of course, I am going to start from a clean save. Dunno if I want to fight all of the ANMCs, though Pyrokinesis and Inferno wrecks everything.
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