Toshinden 2 and Tekken issues

Last updated on 14 years ago
Hi, I just created this message so JonL can tell me what wrong did I do with my latest walkthroughs.
Sorry I wasn't on the IRC when you connected.

Your videos are excellent, but they're missing the mandatory signature that should appear in the first few seconds. You can see a sample on (almost) every longplay on the site.

The procedure is described in the following tutorial.

If you need additional information, you can ask any of the admins on the IRC channel, namely Geekmeister, T-0815, ScHlAuChi (our very own video wizard), RickyC and myself.

Hope to hear from you soon ;-)
Ok, I'll send a correct version of Toshinden 2 soon, but please check Tekken's video again, as I see it as rejected, but I'm sure that I put the special title there ;)
Ok, I'll send a correct version of Toshinden 2 soon, but please check Tekken's video again, as I see it as rejected, but I'm sure that I put the special title there ;)
My bad! You're totally right about Tekken, sorry. I will put it online asap.
Play long and prosper!
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