Uncharted 1+2 & Alan Wake

Last updated on 14 years ago
sounds good to me. im really looking forward to watching this! :D
Yeah, sorry it's taking so long. I blame my inexperience in making longplays.. I actually did have one completely recorded, but then I found out that you guys prefer subtitles, so I started over.

It's not that bad, though, it actually got better, since I didn't play chapter-based the second time, so I keep the correct weapons and there are nicer cutpoints in the movie. (If you select a specific chapter, you always start with default weapons.)

It's really close now, though. I've encoded the basic movie and just finished checking it for glitches. Now I'm just going to edit up a blooper-reel and the bonus content in the game.

I hope to have it uploaded this weekend, possibly early next week.
Wow cant wait till the longplay is done. thanks so much for ur time on this request! ^^
Yes, please add anything extra like that in a bonus video :-) That kind of stuf is fun, especially for someone like me who doesn't have a PS3...
I've seen some people who link to episode/chapter files as well as the full video from the site, which I think is a nice option for people to have. Since I'll have raw material from each chapter, it's easy for me to make both types.

Speaking of bonus content, there are a couple of behind the scenes and other "real" movies that are unlocked when the game is completed, are those interesting as well? Again, they could be made into a separate bonus-file, possibly only accessible via external links in the description.
Yeah, going back with overpowered weapons could be cool as en extra bonus. Also 720p is a perfect choice, the extra filesize generated from a 1080p video isn't really worth it... Chapter by chapter is ok, but we like to keep the download files to a minimum (if possible :-p) however recording the game chapter by chapter might be a very good idea, as you said it makes for easier editing etc.. :-)
Yep, I use an Hauppauge HD PVR. I normally play using HDMI att full-HD, but since I didn't want to mess with converters and HDCP-strippers I record via component-out at 720p instead.

My plan was to play/record one chapter at the time and also encode chapters separately for upload at archive.org, as well as a full-length encode for this site. That way I can replay shorter sections of the game in case I play like crap for a while. As far as I can remember, chapters normally weren't longer than 30 minutes to an hour. It will also enable me to make seamless edits at fade-to-black points with no sound, so you guys won't know how much I screwed up. :-)

Unfortunately, Drake seldom dies in a funny way, unless you know what you were trying to do, so I don't think it would be much of a blooper-reel. But I'll keep my eye out while playing.

I was thinking of doing some scenes at the end were I get revenge on hard parts of the game by going back the second time around and using overpowered weapons with infinite ammo, though...
You can always edit out the deaths, and maybe append some of them at the end as a blooper reel kind of deal. How are you recording them? they are PS3 games right? Uncharted I mean, so do you have an HD PVR? :-)
I've started working on this now, I've done the first chapter.. :-)

I thing that came back to me rather quickly was that there WILL be deaths on this playthrough. Not only are there a couple of hairy places enemy-wise (like the catacomb-room and the church), but Nate also has a tendency to not always jump in the direction I was planning to.

What's the general opinion on this situation? Leave the deaths in, edit them out or keep playing until I don't die?
Ok, Hard it is. Unless me not playing for about a year or so has made me so crappy that half the game-time is spent behind cover trying to recover from near-death. :lol:

I'm hoping to be able to start recording this weekend, but I'm not sure how long it will take since my work-situation is a bit uncertain at the moment.
Just read about uncharted, I second that too!!!
well id say just hard then with all treasures Collected if possible :) and THANK YOU so much for doing this. You made my day ^^
I was going to play through both Uncharted anyway, I might as well record it. I have finished both on Crushing, and would categorize myself as slightly above average but far from an expert.

Any particular requests? What difficulty to play on?

I was thinking of getting my mate to play the Objective coop levels in U2 with me as well and record those as bonus content.
Wow nice request! id really REALLY! would Love to see uncharted series!!! I beg of someone PLZ do this! :(
I Second the request for Alan Wake
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