What are you recording?

Last updated on 14 years ago
Are you recording a Longplay at the moment? Or are you maybe close to finishing a recording? Why dont you let people know? Write it in this topic :-) PS I will sticky this

I will start Dead Space 2 this week end :-)
I'm half-way through recording Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
I should get back on the Rainbow Rescue longplay after I got royally screwed by the input movie.
Half through recording Rise of the Argonauts, also recording Prince Caspian in coop mode and after rise of the Argonauts, starting Tomb Raider 2 for PSX
Sic Parvis Magna
In a sense, nothing.
I am recording Trauma Center: Under The Knife 2 (DeSmuME movie file that is.) Will AVI record it when I am not being lazy to finish it. >_>

Dunno what I will do next. I could've started something, but I was trying to get all achievements for Bullet Witch (which I did. o_o First 100% achievement game.).
BRB. Playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (more like Lords of War or Lords of the Colossus. XD)
I actually recorded a game last night (well I call it a game, but it's really more of an interactive novel on the DS featuring Sherlock Hlomes) Today I am recording another interactive novel for the DS (about a Hunter...)
Decided to post summin'.

At the moment, I am recording The Legend of Zelda.
I won't give this site the first Quest (that is already done). Instead, Imma give the second quest, which this site lacks (madness, I tell you!)


I actually recorded a game last night (well I call it a game, but it's really more of an interactive novel...

But it is still a game nonetheless. :3
Now im trying to record the bonus stages on Valis IV. MY GOODNESS It's HARD TO BEAT!
If you want to prove yourself...First you must complete the task you're given. - Auron (Final Fantasy X)
At the moment, I'm recording Master Karateka for GBC.
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (coop), Medievil, Tomb Raider 2, LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
Sic Parvis Magna
While swimming among thousands of problems and evident lack of personal skill, I am recording Diablo II LoD. I may be able to share the Andariel part soon.

Megaman X5
Just did NBA Jam and now I am going to do CarnEvil for the Arcade very excited about CarnEvil
I'm Recording Okami.
Sic Parvis Magna
Legend of Oasis/ Story of thor 2. This game is full of mazes with more than 100 secret items that I'm trying to take, so it's taking me some time to do it.
Arcade version of Road Riot 4wd is almost finished all it needs to do is resize it and compress it.
BTW where i must upload videos?
Medievil, Tomb Raider 3
Sic Parvis Magna
Once I get the full version of fraps, I'm probably gonna record Rail Chase 2 for model 2 arcade.
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