What are you recording?

Last updated on 14 years ago
Well.... I'm about to start on Paper Mario for n64. I've beat it a few times now, but I find something new every time I play threw. Stuff I didn't notice before :)
I am recording Mortal Kombat Trilogy for N64. All fighters small tower except the final 4 which will be the 2,3, and ending with the tallest and final tower. I have picked to be Kabal, Stryker, Kano, and either Human Smoke, Ermac, Nightwolf, or Shang Tsung.
What...If you are saying that if recording our longplays has to do with getting money. To give an answer of some sort, People who contribute do not get anything in return except the joy that people get when you share a good game with them.
Metal Gear! uhhggg
Don't really bear any hobby for recording but if its related with money I'll be the best ....

thanks for sharing.
I've found the IRC for World of Longplay a wonderful resource for learning how to Record and ReRecord Longplays. I've found friendly knowledgeable people who can answer questions there. Heck, I've found non-friendly, but very knowledgeable people who are still willing to help you learn how to be a Longplayer. Ask questions, and be prepared for constructive criticism.
It takes a lot of skill and patience to make a Quality Longplay. Longplay, like TAS, is an Art Form.
Odds are you might not get it spot on the first try, but don't give up.
Noones perfect(other than Ironclaw, ofcourse ;)

Im sure the people who know this stuff will be willing to answer any questions on the IRC.
I am 2/3rds finished with Shadowrun for Sega Genesis, but I think I am going to take a break from it to do Tron 2.0 for pc. With the Killer App mod and the Graphics update mod, it looks great. It's going to be a real challenge. I'm not Ace Deadeye on RPGs, and the Lightcycle portions are crazy hard at times.
?"Work is for people who can't play games!" - Billy Mitchell
@JETXrapper :

Read Here

Sic Parvis Magna
for admin!!

I go to record? can you tell how and where can I get my videos?
Hey Gamers, i am a Dutch Gamer, and i played the most the Sims series, and i am the owner of http://sims3xD.wordpress.com/
(i am NLsims3xD on youtube)

I can recording:

Sims 3 world adventures (in dutch, sorry)
Sims medieval (in dutch, sorry)
Hey Gamers, i am a Dutch Gamer, and i played the most the Sims series, and i am the owner of http://sims3xD.wordpress.com/
Once I get the full version of fraps, I'm probably gonna record Rail Chase 2 for model 2 arcade.
Medievil, Tomb Raider 3
Sic Parvis Magna
Arcade version of Road Riot 4wd is almost finished all it needs to do is resize it and compress it.
BTW where i must upload videos?
Legend of Oasis/ Story of thor 2. This game is full of mazes with more than 100 secret items that I'm trying to take, so it's taking me some time to do it.
Sic Parvis Magna
I'm Recording Okami.
Just did NBA Jam and now I am going to do CarnEvil for the Arcade very excited about CarnEvil
Megaman X5
While swimming among thousands of problems and evident lack of personal skill, I am recording Diablo II LoD. I may be able to share the Andariel part soon.

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (coop), Medievil, Tomb Raider 2, LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring
Sic Parvis Magna
At the moment, I'm recording Master Karateka for GBC.
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