It seems I am hogging this forum... :-P
While recording Daiblo II with Fraps, I noticed that, when ingame movies start, Fraps stops recording and doesn't resume thereafter, so I am not being able to insert the movies between episodes (and lost a speech with an NPC too), anyone experienced anything similar?
I have similar problem with Sanitarium but my fraps record only grey screen. Only Fraps 2.2.5 records the game but with 2-3 fps. I know it is old game but many people have recorded it on youtube with fraps and on Vista. I tried camtasia, hypercam and other recording programs but i cannot make it work!
I know there's a program that lets you allow to rip the cinematics out of the MPQ file. Maybe then somehow with an editing tool you can place the cinematic in the longplay.
I know this, because in the past i wanted to have this cinematics without installing the whole game to access them.
I don't have the checkbox you suggest, I think because Aero desktop is on Windows 7, while I am running still on XP.
Camtasia seems good, but while the Fraps license is affordable, 199 euro for Camtasia seems too much to me, I'm sorry.
I will try the free download to see if I can get only the cutscenes.
Thanks for your help.
...Any other recording software around wich could solve the problem?...
The cutscenes are probably not using Direct3D or OpenGL. As FRAPS only records what "plays" through those libraries, it thinks the game has exited or something.
Have you tried activating the "Monitor Aero Desktop" checkbox in FRAPS?
If that doesn't work, you may need to use another recording software like Camtasia Studio.
I know. That's a pain.
Play long and prosper!
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