Final Fantasy Xii

Last updated on 13 years ago
did any one think of doing Final Fantasy XII for PS2

i never finsh the game and my PS2 crash befor i end it

then with time go by i stell want to see what happen later :-?
Just putting another vote for Final Fantasy XII...

A 100% playthrough would be too long, just a "story" walkthrough. High quality widescreen and cinematics would be great :)

An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.   
I would also be interested in a longplay of FF12. It's a great game and deserves to be included on the site. If anyone is able and willing to do it, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I won't be doing XII. Turns out I have the same problem with PS2 games as I do with PS1. Ie, they get squashed to 448 vertical pixels in my HD PVR, which won't be accepted by the site.

No worries though, RickyC said it was on his top 1000 list of games he wants to record, and it's currently in spot 384, so I'm sure he'll get right on it soon..... :)
Seems you didn't get much response, and not too many of us here seem to be doing PS2-games, probably because emulators are kind of hit-and-miss. I'm working on Ratchet now, but might do a run through XII after that if noone else has picked it up.

I remember quite liking the game, but for some reason the story didn't stick with me. Kinda like FFIX which was probably my favourite FF while playing it, but I don't even remember who the final boss was. :)

It would definitly not be a 100% playthrough, that would take ages. I was thinking of doing a power-run, ie getting slightly over-powered weapons asap and then raeging (as Tsunao would put it) on enemies for fun and profit.
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