I would do a list of games here and i will but currently im gonna do the Phantasy Star series. Im hoping no one is currently doing it im gonna prepare to play one of the best rpg ever made besides final fantasy. Wish me luck everyone if you have questions let me now and i will answer to the best of my Knowlage.
The only classic Phantasy Star game I played was IV (a friend has it.) I doubt anyone would do Phantasy Star anyway (I probably could, but again, I only played IV.)
Not related: U still gonna do Super Princess Peach? Months later and no Super Princess Peach!
I'm interested in the first 3 ones specially (I still remember your PSIV let's play on your old channel). I think it was indeed the first let's play I ever saw or one of the first ones anyway.
PSO is irrelevant since there's little to no story line anyway and people play it for the online (I bet anyone who played PSO never played or heard of the original series. I played IV before I even played PSO on GC). The only way to know about the story is to watch the opening thing, read things, or MAYBE do some of the quests, which have little to no relation to the game's main story. Episode III has SOME plot, but people dun like it because it is a card game.
At least PSU had a Story mode. Dunno much about AotI, but I believe Part 2 (which is PSU-online) is playable, but Part 3 is online only, no one cares for it. Can't say much about PS:P. There MAY be a plot, but it might be like PSO. I can't say much since I never played the game. PS:P2, however, does have a storyline, and I do plan to do PS:P2 (as a Female-Human-Vanguard. Dunno if I want to use Newman, but they aren't that great at Melee, which is lol considering they have the highest TEC, especially females.)
Rant aside, unless Valis77 has a GameCube, Dreamcast(?), or Xbox (but service is discontinued), he can't do PSO. He COULD play the PC version, but people only play it for the online (and you really can't play single player mode. Might be me thinking about the private server that is up. No, the PSO private server really isn't illegal since Sega gave the owner the go-ahead to make it). Even if he had those, he needs something that ISN'T a Dazzle.
tl;dr: PSO haz no plot (except III)! PSU haz plot! Dunno about AotI! PS:P MAY have plot! PS:P2 haz plot! PSZ haz plot! Dazzles are forbidden!
But...HD-PVR can support S-Video, and S-Video is actually good quality if you ask me (way better than composite. When I use it on Dazzle, composite is blurry. S-Video is clearer.)
Dunno if it will make Xbax 360 and PSTriple gameplay look better (it does for me on Failzzle).
Actaully PSO dose have a plot and it mostly just figuring out what happen to principal tyrell's dauther and what happend to the people of pionier 1 but yeah its not a very deep plot but the side quest do add a bit more too it ask for multiplayer the GC version dose have local multiplayer
so a Co-op is possible.
it would be interesting to see a LP of PSO but its fine if Valis dosen't do it
PSU's plot is pretty subpar at best and feels very anime-ish but it would be intersting to see an Lp of that too altohugh theres gonna be some people complainig about the voice acting and constantly comparing it PSO
i mention PSO because i don't find turn based RPGs all that fun to watch but i am starting to like them a bit more thanks to games like Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger and Paper Mario.
Yeah, I know PSO has a plot (Ep.I has something to do with Rico or some sh. Ep.II deals with Flowen, who is Olga Flow or some sh. Can't say much about III or IV.), but no one plays PSO for the plot (probably the same with World of Warcraft. Lots of stuff going on in the game, but I doubt anyone plays it for the plot.)
If you ask me, if you do PSU, just focus on the story.
I'd love to see some classic PS longplays. I've been a fan since the 8 bit days. (I registered just to throw in a cheer for the series and for Valis to do it! :) )
PSO has a plot, but it's generally glossed over since it's not handed out via normal quest text...I had a decent breakdown on it somewhere, but not sure offhand. Short version think "The hunters are going to find Rico, instead find Aliens, kill the aliens before Weyland Yutani gets them". Episode 2 is mostly the same, "Find Rico before Weyland Yutani gets their bioweapons." (the plot holds similar to the Aliens movie, but with a black market group also going after the Dark attribute monsters...it's a huge pain to dig it up though. WoW at least gives out a lot of text during quests, no notes taken needed). I didn't enjoy episode 3 much, and 4 well, online only and I never did much in episode 4 anyhow. They seemed to look back at PSO episode 1 more than 2 or 3.
BUT still, I'm all for cheering on Valis for doing LPS of the classics. If you're up to PSU, more power to you. I thought they felt more anime-ish, but certainly a lot less struggle to find the plot than PSO. the battle system is so much nicer...I agree on focusing on the plot though. It'd be a lot less better than trying to grind out rare drops.
Well untill dega is trust worthy of re-recording without messing up im gonna do the genesis version
If you want to prove yourself...First you must complete the task you're given. - Auron (Final Fantasy X)
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