Fighting Games?

Last updated on 12 years ago
I've noticed there's very few fighting game LPs that aren't Street Fighter.

I reckon that it would be very easy to make an LP of a fighting game. Too easy in fact. If one was to make an LP of a fighting game-

Is an arcade mode play through acceptable (typically takes 15 minutes)?
Does it have to be an elongated 'story' mode?
Can it be done with just one character?

Just curious, I have nothing planned.
Are you sure about that? ;)
Check the Arcade section, i did like 50 different fighting games!
He's got a point. Btw, most of my requests of select character games are which I asked for player as female character. I'm just a person into females.
I love to play fighting games,My favorite fighting game is Battlefield 3
" data-content="Send Message">@gloriashern , That game is a First Person Shooter, fighting games are games such as Mortal kombat, or street fighter, etc. :P
Metal Gear! uhhggg