Greetings, fellas.

Last updated on 10 years ago
Hey, so i've been lurking on this site for a long time, due to the various 60fps playthroughs you guys have, but i recently saw that "Where are the viewers??" post, i felt bad, so i decided to register. I'm not entirely sure what will i be doing here, if there's a topic to hop on, i'll do that. I also don't know if i'll be doing longplays, as much as i'd love to, my computer ain't the greatest and even if i can find a game i can properly record, fraps is still a very needy recording program and sucks up my hard drive space like crazy, i don't know what to do about that. I'll hang out here and see how it goes.

I'm also from Poland, so if i sound weird or nonsensical sometimes, i apologize for that.
Great to have you here man. Welcome to the World of Longplays.
As if it wasn't bad enough already...
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