
Last updated on 16 years ago
Currently Recording:
Syphon Filter (PSX)
Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (PC) 2 Player Co-op
Tomb Raider 2013 (PC)

Planning to do:

1. Legend Of Mana (PSX)
2. Enclave (PC)
3. Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway (PC)
4. Velvet Assassin (PC)
5. Turok (PC)
6. Tomba 2 (PSX)
7. Medal Of Honor Airborne (PC)
8. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (PC)
9. Tomb Raider the Last Revelation (PC)
10.Tomb Raider Angel Of Darkness (PC)
11. Alien Trilogy (PSX)
12. Alien Resurrection (PSX)
13. Jurassic Park Warpath (PSX)
14. Lord of the Rings: Conquest (PC) 2 Player Co-op
15. Tomb Raider The Lost Artifacts (PC)
16. Trine 2 (PC)
17. Hydrophobia Prophecy (PC)
18. Tombi (PSX)
19. Syphon Filter (PSX)
20. Syphon Filter 2 (PSX)
21. Syphon Filter 3 (PSX)
22. Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (PC) 2 Player Co-op
23. Tomb Raider 2013 (PC)
24. Lara Croft And the Guardian Of Light (PC) 2 Player Co-op

Done (not all on the list, some are missing, I can't remember them all):
1.The Lost World: Jurassic Park (PSX)
2.Tomb Raider 2 (PSX)
3.Tomb Raider 3 (PSX)
4.Medievil (PSX)
5.Tomb Raider Legend (PC)
6.Tomb Raider Anniversary (PC)
7.Tomb Raider Underworld (PC)
8.Tomb Raider (PSX)
9.Tomb Raider Chronicles (PSX)
10.Jurassic Park (NES)
11.Immortal (NES)
12.Conan (PC)
13.Donkey Kong (SNES)
14.Donkey Kong 2 (SNES)
15.Donkey Kong 3 (SNES)
16.Jurassic Park Rampage Edition (GENESIS)
17.Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King (PC) 2 Player Co-op
18.Duke Nukem Time To Kill (PSX)
19.Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 (PC)
20.Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood (PC)
21.Fighting Force - 2 Player Co-op (PSX)
22.Diablo - 2 Player Co-op (PSX)
23.Jurassic Park 2 - The Chaos Continues 2 Player Co-op (SNES)
24.Akuji The Heartless (PSX)
25.Jurassic Park (GENESIS)
26.Tomb Raider: The Golden Mask (PC)
27.Trine (PC)
28.The Chronicles of Narnia 2 Player Co-op (PC)
29.The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian 2 Player co-op
30.Ninja: Shadow Of Darkness (PSX)
31.Medievil 2 (PSX)
32. Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars (PC) 2 Player Co-op
Currently Recording Donkey Kong series, Zelda 2
Sic Parvis Magna
Sic Parvis Magna
Yay, Donkey Kong has been crossed off! I'm excited to see it.
Donkey Kong is uploaded 2 To FTP, now just wait for them to publish it, now it'm doing Donkey Kong 3 ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Ravenlord im so glad ur doing diablo for psx. wich char will be used?

I will use Warrior probably and 18Delta will be Mage,
We'll record Diablo next week together with Fighting Force ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Finished Tomb Raider Underworld, starting Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 for PC and also Legend Of Zelda 2: Adventure Of Link (NES), there are also some slight changes in my TO DO game list, i deleted Legacy Of Kain series, because I'm not sure If I will record them, maybe one day and added Brothers in Arms series ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Wht about doing halo 3 ? And how do you record in hd?
I've never played any of the HALO games, so i'm not so good to record them, maybe somebody else will, and for recording in HD go to forum, you have tutorials there ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Looking forward to watch medievil. was a great game, sadly i never finished it :(
well, if i could find a way to record through the Xbox 360 i wouldn't mind doing a Halo 3 long play :)
Any idea when you'll have time to work on Diablo? And I see you have added Zelda 2, but not the first one... What about doing that as well?
Never played Zelda first game, I tried but simply it's was too old for me, Zelda 2 is one of my favourite old school RPGs but first one is just too old, hehe, don't kill me, Diablo will be done soon, it's because I will do it in two player mode together with 18Delta, but we have exams at the moment and cannot find enough time to do it, as for myself I'm considering to start Brothers in Arms Earned In Blood or tomb Raider Anniversary, have to think it through, hehe, have to finish all that serials anyway ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Cool, too bad about the first Zelda game, maybe someone else can do it :-P Looking forward to seeinf the Diablo longplay... But remember! Exams come before playing :-D Hehe
Me and 18Delta have started recording Diablo today, we have done first 4 levels, whole LP will be done in a few next days ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Diablo is almost done, need just to kill diablo, then I'll Record Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood, and Donkey Kong Country 3, together with some two player games with 18Delta :)
Sic Parvis Magna
ooooh! This will be cool! :-D How about a 2 player playthrough of Goof Troop? People were complaining about me recording a single player video... :-P
Diablo encoding is finished, I will upload it now, there were small problems when we edited the video, one of the levels, I think level 14, is without a sound, because we haven't noticed that sound wasn't recorded when we were playing it, and we already saved game and erased last save so we couldn't rerecord, and about 15 min of the game is missing towards the last levels, because we had so many video files from recording, tah t probably we deleted that one by mistake, but it was pretty much roaming around so, that wasn't so important, LP is 8 hours long, and I think that these 15 min won't make any difference, everything else is OK ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
Next in two player mode is Road Rash Jailbreak, Twisted Metal 2 & 3, and Vigilante 8 both games, me and 18Delta have started recording Road Rash Jailbreak already :)
Sic Parvis Magna
Added some more games that I'll record in two player mode with 18Delta, as soon as we make agreements I'll add the rest of the list :)
Sic Parvis Magna
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