Hello, everyone!
This year I've discovered the absolute pleasure that is audio-books. For context, I was an avid reader in my teenage years but as life & work became more rigid & sometimes strained, I unfortunately lost the habit of reading daily. I know most of our lives are time-strained & finding a hour or more of actual free-time is parallel with winning the lottery, but the daily habit of reading is such a life-changing process to forfeit.
I highly recommend you explore the option of incorporating audio-books into your daily routine. In regards to time: They are perfect to listen to in commutes, meals, Non-office work (EP) or Office work (SE), and even during the consumption of Long-plays :). In regards to costs: Audio-books can be very costly indeed, but just with physical-books their are legally-sound monetarily-free options for public-domain or public-broadcasted audio-books, which I will highlight & explain bellow.
Suggestion 01:
LibriVox: https://librivox.org/
Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LibriVox
Public Domain = Works that are unprotected by copyright or patent, and are subject to appropriation by anyone or anything.
LibriVox is similar to WOL, in the sense it is a community, with select passionate volunteers who create audio-books of public domain books. These books range from the very Greek classics to much more recent works, their work takes a long time just like Long-plays, but they have produced excellent audio reproductions of time-less masterpieces. Everything on the site is free, 7zip compressed to help with data allowances & fully legal for U.S citizens, with instructions to determine non-US domain laws if your in another country. (Most counties now respect public domain, but it never hurts to check!)
Suggestion 02:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=audiobook&sp=EgQQARgC
Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube
Public Broadcast = Programmes that are broadcast to provide information, advice, or entertainment to the public without trying to make a profit.
YouTube is known for many things, few know that their are Non-Profits enterprises like WOL & LibriVox on their with actual valuable content. Numerous Non-Profits & Individuals upload legally audio-books, there are also entire publishers that upload regularly & often for promotional awareness for smaller or very niche authors. YouTube thankfully has scanners that can detect restricted or licensed audio-books immediately, so ifs it been uploaded for more than a day it is perfectly legal to listen to!
If you choose or explore this option, I would highly recommend a good YouTube video down-loader so you may save the audio-book to your computer or device. There are numerous options in this field, many require payment and some others are free, so its best if you do your own research in this department. :)
Suggestion 03:
DuckDuckGo: https://duckduckgo.com/
Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuckDuckGo
Web Search = Search the World Wide Web in a systematic way for particular information specified in a textual web search query.
Yea, searching free audio-books on the internet is as safe as a midnight jog, however underneath the hideous beast that is the internet, there are numerous legal sources for outstanding audio-books, just takes allot of time & even more research.
If you have read to this part, you have my deepest gratitude. If you do explore audio-books, I would highly suggest starting with option 1, then growing into option 2, then feel free to explore other options. Once it becomes a habit, do not feel afraid to start purchasing audio-books or signing-up for a service to rent them, there are some audio-books I've bought that have completely changed my life, I promise you that.
To those that are already consumers of audio-books, forgive my preaching/ranting but I simply wish to spread something that has become a great asset to myself. To those that haven't, it will cost you nothing & you will gain everything, yourself ten-years from now will thank you, I sincerely promise you that! If anyone has questions or need instructions on a specific thing I've mentioned, I will help through email or pm.
Thank you for a ridiculous amount of your time.
I sincerely hope the best possible future for you, my friend.