Recent Created Longplay

Last updated on 5 years ago
For the fast several years I wanted longplays for some of my favorite games. Recently I decided to do them myself. My first longplay is of Distance, a spirit successor of Nitronic Rush. Their are several others I would like to do.

Myst V: End of Ages
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition
Red Trigger


There are several others I'm working on right now, but Distance is my first longplay finished.
Before you record alot of games, visit us in our IRC chat or Discord.

Becasue if you record those games wrong, you would have to redo them :)
Is there an alternate way? I don't like using software like IRC or Discord. Both for security/privacy concerns and sometimes/possibly incompatibility.
No need to use any software, just follow this link and log into the chat
Sic Parvis Magna
Both IRC and Discord can be used online without having to download/run any software.
Thanks for the info.
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