My YouTube channel

Last updated on 5 years ago
Hello! I'm new here! I have a YouTube channel with gameplays of mine that was stopped for a long time, because I was not having much success, however I decided yesterday to return. And I'm thinking about retro game games, and also more recent games. It depends on the will or even if you have suggestions, you will be welcome. I will try to upload one or two videos a day, depending on availability.

I came back with a Playstation 1 game, which I remember enjoying it a lot, and now that I play it again, it gave me a lot of fun. It's nostalgia :)

The game I'm talking about is Jackie Chan Stuntmaster: I'm going to leave here the video I published yesterday and today.

I hope you like it and I count on your support :)

Jackie Chan Stuntmaster - Part 3 :)
Please dont post every single video here, informing people about your channel once is enough :)


ScHlAuChi wrote:

Please dont post every single video here, informing people about your channel once is enough :)

Okay, I'm sorry. Thank you for the warning
I began to notice that I started listening to podcasts more than some kind of music.
1. Teach
2. You can learn a lot
3. Motivate
I decided why not puff my experience and tell other people what I know and teach them something.
Started making my own podcasts, but I didn't have the patience to do it all
A friend suggested to me that you can use a light application podcast cover art maker with which a beginner like me will have one hundred percent winning podcasts.
Now I'm on the podcaster path too. Wish me good luck
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