Sonic Advance

Longplay Information

Author(s): Amy RoseAmy Rose
System: Game Boy Advance
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 04/08/2013
YouTube Release: 20/04/2025
Duration: 03:20:54
File Size: 1677.69 MB (1717953.14 KB)
Downloads: 864 downloads
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Player's Review

'Sonic Advance is much more than a classic Sonic side-scroller. In addition to Sonic, players can also progress through the game playing as Knuckles, Tails or Amy. Since each character has different abilities, the gameplay experience changes depending on which character you choose to control.

Sonic Advance also features a cool multiplayer mode which allows up to four players to compete using just one Game Pak (each player must have a Game Boy Advance and the proper number of Game Boy Advance Game Link Cables must be used). In this chaotic minigame, players race through levels to see who can collect the most coins. If each player has a Sonic Advance Game Pak, even more options become available.'

0:00:00 - Start
0:01:07 - Amy Rose playthrough
0:50:38 - Tails playthrough
1:38:06 - Knuckles playthrough
2:26:14 - Sonic playthrough