Last Duel

Last Duel arcade conversion by Tiertex and published by US Gold in 1989.

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Commodore 64
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 19/02/2022
YouTube Release: 17/01/2025
Duration: 00:18:21
File Size: 65.92 MB (67500.00 KB)
Downloads: 218 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

"The Golden Tribe of BACULA have over run the twin planet MU and taken captive the beautiful Princess SHEETA. Few warriors survive and only one retains the courage and willpower to face the awesome task ahead. Battle your way through six enemy occupied territories laden with traps, terror and gargantuan defenders, the like of which no earthly body has ever set eyes upon. Your neutron powered car and galactic hoverplane provide speed and firepower, your nerve and skill offer the only hope of freedom for your beloved Princess."

Well what to say about this conversion except to say it could have been better. It stands out from all the other home ports in that it goes for a wider viewport whereas all the others go for a tall viewport with huge score panel down the side which is the better approach in my view. The game doesn't have the smoothest of scrolling and there isn't a lot going on. No music in game and the hit detection can be really suspect at times. Like a whole character between you and the bullet.

There are 6 fairly short levels and you get plenty of lives to work with. Around level 3 it gets tough with gun turrets firing in 3 ways and with multiple at once going off, they can be tough to avoid. The game does support 2 players at once built in single player shown here, you alternate between the car and plane during level progression. The car has a jump mechanic so that you can hope over holes and breaks in the road. You can also speed up and slow down. All the while a bonus counter counts down so ideally you you go as fast as you can to the boss. Note that if you lose a life the bonus resets so it can be beneficial to lose a life at the boss stage.

The plane stages seem longer but that's maybe because there does not seem to be a speed mechanic as well as a fixed bonus. There is also no flip special move making the plane boring to play.

Overall not a great c64 conversion but maybe worth firing up for the intro music.