Surgical Strike
Surgical Strike, developed by The Code Monkeys and published by SEGA in 1995.
Player's Review
"In the future, war will be fought on an open battlefield. High-tech urban guerrillas will attack out of nowhere and then fade back into cities and villages to hide among the innocent population. To ferret out this invisible enemy without causing civilian casualties, the nations of the world have banded together to create an elite special forces unit, The Surgical Strike Team. You're in total control of a highly manoeuvre able hovercraft-charge enemies straight on. turn to explore new paths, or spin 180 degrees to face an attack from behind!
Choose your weapon! Pepper terrorist snipers with a 30MM gatling gun or fire laser-guided rockets to take out enemy tanks with pinpoint accuracy.
Access on-board electronic mapping to detect hidden emplacements while a circling AWACS C-130 provides you, with up-to-the-minute intelligence."
Surgical Strike is potentially a short game but it will take some memorisation of where targets appear and plotting the best route through the levels to really get it down. Each level has specific targets that need to be destroyed before moving onto the final room. You have a choice of rockets or bullets and should use rockets for the bigger armoured targets. You have limited ammo so use sparingly and don't attempt to fire without locking on as you will waste ammo that way. When you come to crossroads or bridge, you have the opportunity to turn the tank instead of firing Each target as an arrow meaning you have to approach it from a specific direction for it to appear. Not shooting targets results in taking a hit. take to many and you lose a team member. you get three team members (lives) in each level. You can potentially lose them all in one go by driving off a cliff.
There is not much else to say although ill just add that some bullets should be saved for the final room. Rockets will destroy everyone you want to save. level three can only be played by first Completing the previous two levels on Hard mode. yeah, thx for that Sega!
The SegaCD has many fmv games, some bad, some really bad but there are some good ones, or as good you could hope them to be and Surgical Strike is one the later and greatest ones and probably the one fmv game you should play.
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:52 Level 1
00:08:46 Level 2
00:20:10 Level 3
00:25:44 Credits
00:28:02 Bad Endings 1
00:29:26 Bad Endings 2
00:29:57 Bad & Alt endings 3
00:30:53 Various game over and doing bad cinematics
Choose your weapon! Pepper terrorist snipers with a 30MM gatling gun or fire laser-guided rockets to take out enemy tanks with pinpoint accuracy.
Access on-board electronic mapping to detect hidden emplacements while a circling AWACS C-130 provides you, with up-to-the-minute intelligence."
Surgical Strike is potentially a short game but it will take some memorisation of where targets appear and plotting the best route through the levels to really get it down. Each level has specific targets that need to be destroyed before moving onto the final room. You have a choice of rockets or bullets and should use rockets for the bigger armoured targets. You have limited ammo so use sparingly and don't attempt to fire without locking on as you will waste ammo that way. When you come to crossroads or bridge, you have the opportunity to turn the tank instead of firing Each target as an arrow meaning you have to approach it from a specific direction for it to appear. Not shooting targets results in taking a hit. take to many and you lose a team member. you get three team members (lives) in each level. You can potentially lose them all in one go by driving off a cliff.
There is not much else to say although ill just add that some bullets should be saved for the final room. Rockets will destroy everyone you want to save. level three can only be played by first Completing the previous two levels on Hard mode. yeah, thx for that Sega!
The SegaCD has many fmv games, some bad, some really bad but there are some good ones, or as good you could hope them to be and Surgical Strike is one the later and greatest ones and probably the one fmv game you should play.
00:00:00 Intro
00:01:52 Level 1
00:08:46 Level 2
00:20:10 Level 3
00:25:44 Credits
00:28:02 Bad Endings 1
00:29:26 Bad Endings 2
00:29:57 Bad & Alt endings 3
00:30:53 Various game over and doing bad cinematics
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