Discworld II - Mortality Bytes!

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 18/05/2015
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 07:12:55
File Size: 1276.35 MB (1306984.00 KB)
Downloads: 843 downloads
File Links: Download Part: 1
Download Part: 2
Download Part: 3


Player's Review

PlayStation port of this classic point and click adventure game.

The game is half the resolution of the pc original and stutters a lot with a fair amount of loading screens. Its not a great port but the most important part is that the game remains great and is just as enjoyable to play as it's pc original. Its a lot less buggy than Discworld Noir was though (on ps1).

I have split the file into 3 parts as it is quite a long game. Although it can be completed much quicker, I have taken the time to show as much dialogue as I can without missing too many scenes hopefully. I make the odd mistake here and there meaning I have to backtrack a little to pick up something I missed, and some dialogue scenes go on a long while, but I hope the end result is still enjoyable.

Part 1: Act I - The Rite Stuff
Part 2: Act II - Come Die with Me.
Part 3: 00:00:00 Act III - The Grim Rincewind
Part 3: 00:52:22 Act IV - Till Death do us Part.
Part 3: 01:03:15 Epilogue - Queen Kong