Urgent! Site looking for a new owner

Last updated on 14 years ago
What I have to say now is something you don't want to hear.

From next month (1 st Mars) will I no longer continue to maintenance this site. The reason is lack of time and interest.

Therefore I'm looking for someone to take over the project (it would be a shame if the site would die)

More and more people finding out about our site. Every month we hit a new record of unique vistors.

I don't want to give it away for "free". As it would be nice to get something back for all hard work and hours spent. I don't lie if i say i spent 1000 hours!

I have thinking about € 1000. I know that is high for one person. But for that price, the new owner got a lot! (send me a message and i tell more).

Anyone can take over the site. You don't need any progamming skills. All you need is a computer with at least 1 Ghz processor and 512 Mb ram. Running Windows, Linux, or MacOS. A internet connection with a upstream of 2 Mbps should be enough as long you don't plan to host any lp's yourself. If you are new to this, then I will of course help with the setup.

Why have I not said anything about this earlier? Well, I have. I did already for 1.5 years ago when the site was almost new. At this time there where people who was interested. But for some reason I never replied on these letters.

Ps. If nobody wants to take over the site in its current state. And instead want to start over from scratch with a new longplay site. Then I will be more than happy to forward all traffic from World of Longplays to this new site.
Sorry to revive such old thread, but out of curiosity, was the website sold in the last decade or it's still the same owner? It's nice to know the website is still alive after so long.
Because there is only a few days left until shutdown lower I the price to 970 €. Or 900 € without rights to the Mario flash game). I paid for that flash game, so I want some money back for it. But remember, the game is a good way to get more visitors to site :)

Keep in mind, buying the site you will also get the YouTube account. That means you can upload longer videos than 10 minutes!

But I have one request on this. The buyer must promise to keep all existing longplays + Still let me have access to it so I can upload longplays for Recorded Amiga Games.

Ps. I will not lower the price further!
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