Troubles with encoding Saturn Videos

Last updated on 7 years ago
I have got some problems in encoding videos of Saturn games, because they're out of sync, what settings do you use for encode Saturn games?

Note: the Saturn roms are pal region, what is the correct fps about these games?
If the video is fine on vdub, then you have trouble while muxing the files on MeGUI. Look at the frame rate on vdub, then adjust it:
Yes I use bizhawk for saturn games, on vdub the videos are fine!


Segafan wrote:

I did what u suggest but it get worse! the videos are out of sync!

Are they out of sync in vdub too?
i recently did a sega saturn game and it was just fine, are you using bizhawk? also changing the framerate with megui messes it up whenever i tried
If I can't be the best then I certainly won't be the worst.
I did what u suggest but it get worse! the videos are out of sync!
When muxing the audio and video files on MeGUI check out the frame rate and correct it, sometimes it is displayed wrong.
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