Legend of Mana (PS1)

Last updated on 14 years ago
It is a good point, and really what a longplay stand for =)

Rule is that you dun skip dialogue.


Don't skip intros and dialogs. You may know the game by heart, but people who watch the longplay don't.

This is making me hesitant on doing Persona 3 Portable (Persona 3 and 4 is REALLY text heavy.) One case of me "Triangling" through Persona 3: the summer lecture about tarots and arcana. There is also the questions that raise Charm, which I REALLY don't need when I have max Charm (I can just sleep through it for Great status, but it will be wasted if I don't go to Tartarus, which really only requires one trip due to changed game mechanic: you can't get Tired unless someone gets knocked out and you go to the next floor. Even then, there is an item that gets rid of Tired and it is SUPER cheap. o_o)

Triangle is the answer to a fast forward button of sorts. It allows skipping text and speeding through random battles. As for random battles, it is called "Rush". Everyone does physical attacks and attack animations are skipped (no lengthy Megidolaon animation, even though it is a cool spell.)
What's your view on keeping/skipping the dialogue in the game? There sure is a lot of it.

I also recall some very long side quests, the one with the students to class and the one with Gilbert comes to mind, that doesn't really give the player any items or introduces new areas. Just a lot of back tracking.
I intend to do Seiken series at some point ... This is a big challenge things, I consider the automatic teller machine.
No problem, i have some other games to do at the moment, LOM is pretty long, I don't have time for it now, when I start it I'll tell you, if you start it first then be my guest ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
@Ravenlord it'll take me a while to get there but if you can do it before I can, I have no problems over it.
All three story lines would be nice. People's choice? I go for more female characters, I have been in the game options....
He is doing mana series, yes, I will do just this game from the series, not others, but If he wants to do it before me, no problem :)
Sic Parvis Magna
Didn't Tarosan say he was going to do Legend of Mana...?
Sounds exceeding good =)

Just for the record, I choose the female character also, but for different reasons ;)

Cool. :3
I'll probably start legend of mana recording after I finish Tomb Raider 2, it could be next week probably :)
Sic Parvis Magna
Yeah I'm planning to do the Seiken series at some point... it's a big challenge considering the stuff I got atm.
I did all the quests on the list when I played before, so if I will be the one who will record, It will be 100% completed game :)
Sic Parvis Magna
Topic went from "plz do Legend of Mana" to "i play with girl characters". LOL :3

On a more serious note:
Would be neat to see the 3 main arcs (Faeries, Dragon, and Jumi) finished, as well as some of the side arcs, like Niccolo, Gilbert, and Daena/Escad...and maybe some other ones. I know I have finished all three of them before (Don't know a favorite about Faerie. Dragon = I <3 Sierra. Knives, man. Jumi = spam Golem = EZLevels. Plus, Blackpearl. :3 HAMMAH TIEM!!)

Of course, some of the event activations are a little easier said than done (like the one to get the Revive Ring.)


My MMO Accounts are nothing but Female Characters. I mean. I'd rather stare at a Chick's butt all day than a guy's. >.>

I do this most, if not all, of the time, especially Monster Hunter (just the armors. LOL Compare Qurupeco armor.)
Also, sometimes, there is a reason to play a female character, especially equipment and stats.

Equipment: FlyFF. Female Clockwork armor is usually better than males. Example would be Mercenary armor and Assist armor. Mercenary boots (I think...can't remember) give Hit Rate, and only female Blades I believe can only reach 100% Hit Rate (3 piece Dest armor and one of the CW armor pieces). As for the Assists/Billposters, their armor pieces give Additional Damage (unlike males, which give like...HP and Defense bonuses. Can't remember). If it helps, I sometimes see a player shop selling a piece of a set at different prices. Like...Einy boots for 500k and Akan boots for 200k. They offer the set bonuses. Lv75 female Blade set looks like they are wearing a thong of sorts. LOL Hell, all the armor is like that, well maybe except Hagane.

Stats: online Phantasy Star games. In Phantasy Star Portable 2. Female Newmans make the best forces. Hell, Newmans in general are the best Force users. Females also have higher accuracy than males. Males have the better evasion rating, probably achieving perfect evasion. F Newmans can reach that point as well...I think. In PSO, HUnewearls - Female, Newman, Hunter - can learn up to Lv20 Techs, unlike HUmars - Male, Human, Hunter. Granted, HUnewearl is a Newman, and Newman are more magic inclined. FOnewearls - Female, Newman, Force - have the highest TP and highest MST. From a MST standpoint, is it FOnewearl > FOnewm > FOmarl > FOmar.)
My MMO Accounts are nothing but Female Characters. I mean. I'd rather stare at a Chick's butt all day than a guy's. >.>
I'm fan of the female characters also :P
Sic Parvis Magna
All three story lines would be nice. Character choice? I go more for the Female Characters when I have the option in games. xD
That game is on my list don't know when will i start doing it, probably not soon, so maybe Tarosan will do it before ;)
Sic Parvis Magna
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