My MMO Accounts are nothing but Female Characters. I mean. I'd rather stare at a Chick's butt all day than a guy's. >.>
I do this most, if not all, of the time, especially Monster Hunter (just the armors. LOL Compare Qurupeco armor.)
Also, sometimes, there is a reason to play a female character, especially equipment and stats.
Equipment: FlyFF. Female Clockwork armor is usually better than males. Example would be Mercenary armor and Assist armor. Mercenary boots (I think...can't remember) give Hit Rate, and only female Blades I believe can only reach 100% Hit Rate (3 piece Dest armor and one of the CW armor pieces). As for the Assists/Billposters, their armor pieces give Additional Damage (unlike males, which give like...HP and Defense bonuses. Can't remember). If it helps, I sometimes see a player shop selling a piece of a set at different prices. Like...Einy boots for 500k and Akan boots for 200k. They offer the set bonuses. Lv75 female Blade set looks like they are wearing a thong of sorts. LOL Hell, all the armor is like that, well maybe except Hagane.
Stats: online Phantasy Star games. In Phantasy Star Portable 2. Female Newmans make the best forces. Hell, Newmans in general are the best Force users. Females also have higher accuracy than males. Males have the better evasion rating, probably achieving perfect evasion. F Newmans can reach that point as well...I think. In PSO, HUnewearls - Female, Newman, Hunter - can learn up to Lv20 Techs, unlike HUmars - Male, Human, Hunter. Granted, HUnewearl is a Newman, and Newman are more magic inclined. FOnewearls - Female, Newman, Force - have the highest TP and highest MST. From a MST standpoint, is it FOnewearl > FOnewm > FOmarl > FOmar.)