Damn fail hack with a puzzle on the very final stage, which there shouldn't have been. Mess up on the puzzle, and you have to wait the full 999 seconds. You also have to play through pretty much every stage to figure out the solution.
Doesn't help that SKJmin was lying, trying to get money from downloads from HotFiles.
He took a lot of screenshots, blew them up (increased image resolution), added another set of images that is identical, and said that they were important for the game (later, it was found out that it wasn't.) People called him out on it.
If you wonder how I know: lurking on GBAtemp is a wonderful thing (I read through the progress thread before it was released, and the release thread, which is deleted.)
It also involved him using some tools or something, trying to get help from this one person (the same person who made the tools SKJmin used), got himself banned on a forum for being an ass or something (is still an ass to the same person who made the tools), and something about the legality of him accepting donations (earlier, he said he wasn't going to release the hack until he obtained a certain amount of donations. It sorta equates to him getting paid for it.)
ROM hacks aren't allowed anyway if
this is to be believed.