Usage of the longplays | Permission Request

Last updated on 11 years ago
Hey there, my name is Fabio. Since the beginning of 2012 I got a Youtube channel ( where I post different kinds of gameplay videos daily. But now I wanted to start doing reviews, Top 10's, and so on. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to record all the footage for e.g. my Top 10's, so my question is:
Am I allowed to use gameplay footage of the longplays on this website in my videos? Of course I would credit the website with the appropriate download link (e.g.:

Best regards,
You are as long as you remember to mention that you got videos from in the credits.


Spikestuff wrote:

You are as long as you remember to mention that you got videos from in the credits.

Not to mention appreciation to the player whom provides this footage. People might think you played the game by accident.
Anything that isnt COD is a game that may be worth playing.
Thank you for the answers, but is there any admin, who could state the rules officially?
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