Which game (Game)

Last updated on 10 years ago
Let's play an old but quite fun game, the first person selects two games, and the next person has to choose one between them and then chooses another one to "compete" with that one, and the next the same thing and so on, here is an example:

Me: Prince of Persia Two Thrones OR Assassins Creed Brotherhood ?

Next: Prince of Persia Two Thrones! and then procedes to choose another game
Prince of Persia Two Thrones OR Tomb Raider

and so on, what do you guys think? Let's play? :D, i wii start!

Super Mario Sunshine OR Super Mario 64 ?
Super Mario 64!
Puerto Rico...GAME ON, Level Up & Happy Gaming!!!Smile


boricuaretrogamer wrote:

Super Mario 64!

Probably didn't get it, so here goes:

Super Mario 64 OR GoldenEye 007?
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