Deadly Premonition The Directors Cut

Last updated on 11 years ago
Guess what time it is! Yep, that's right it's time for some shameless self promotion...

I have started on my first ever PS3 Longplay (and I actually got to use the word "first" without trolling...) and it is going to be a Platinum Longplay of Deadly Premonition: The Directors cut (Platinum obviously indicating that I will be getting all the trophies in the game, ultimately getting a platinum one...) I Have completed the game 100% once before on the xbox 360, So I know how to get all the trading cards, and do all the side missions etc...

It is a long game though, and there is going to be a lot of driving around, at least to begin with...

But anyway I will keep you posted on when I finish the longplay
Geek Power!
I hope you do all side missions too!
I have the original 360 version and the PS3 DC :)
Yes. I will be doing every single side mission :D Can't get the platinum otherwise
Geek Power!
And the Recording is done with, I literally just stopped recording, 100% Platinum trophy, and the "Extra" trading card in the "Special" Room, now I just have to wait for my ow computer to get back, (The Hard drives died, and it's being fixed) so that I can edit and encode it :D
Geek Power!
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