Secret Files 3

Last updated on 11 years ago
When I'm tired of playing the RTS's games, I want some history and great graphics for a change. This one is going to be recorded in full resolution at my computer (1680x1050) in order to make the background images justice. Also, the only thing worst for smaller screens is the subtitles probably, and those are really big in adventure games, so it's still possible to watch. Can't wait to start this one.
1h30 recorded in a roll today. Tablet with walktru lost battery after 15 min, decide to go as far as I could. I did really well, only having to stop for hints 2 times. Did a render with a good quanticizer (25 instead of the sugested 30) and the size still was really small, so I tuned up as far as I could see any improvment in graphics, and I'm using a 15 quality quanticizer. And the file is still very smal considering the resolution and frame ratio. Since 99% of the game is run with a stopped background, the file keeps rather small. Here's a teaser, just wait a couple of hours for it to be rendered, but when it does, it will be availible on this link:
Full image:

With contrast, brightness, gamma and colour correction, used in the player tools (not in the encoding process), it gets the brigthness and colour just like the game:

These both are actual video snapshots, I'm really happy with the qual I'm getting, and the size compression. :)
For anyone interested, here's part 1, with 1h30 of gameplay.
Finished recording the game, just need some bonus and I'm good to upload.
The bonus menus were a pain in the ass to finish. But it's finally done. Also I had to reinstall the game to find a way to record the voice that appears in the first time you enter the game. It was necessary as the games from this company are the best in creating a very nice and pleasant atmosphere from the get go. Like no other. And that had to be in the final product.

Now in the process of merging all the things and uploading.
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