So... What's Up?

Last updated on 10 years ago
Hi, my name is HugTheNerdyAnteater, I decided to create an account because I like World of Longplays. My username is derived with the "Hug" part of my username is what my mum created as "hug0905" for some Google accounts years ago, and the "NerdyAnteater" part is derived from my favorite Happy Tree Friends character, Sniffles.

I hope I enjoy my visit here!
Alex Kidd
Welcome aboard :)
- Alex Kidd
"Do i really have to graduate, or can i just stay here for the rest of my life ?"
Welcome to WoL HugTheNerdyAnteater.

Fred ~
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me. ~The Overmind, StarCraft
Welcome to WoL HugTheNerdyAnteater.

Fred ~
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me. ~The Overmind, StarCraft
Welcome aboard man! Greetings from Puerto Rico!
Puerto Rico...GAME ON, Level Up & Happy Gaming!!!Smile
Alex Kidd
I hope you enjoy your stay here!
- Alex Kidd
"Do I really have to graduate, or can I just stay here for the rest of my Life ?"
Welcome to World of Longplays!
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