Star Trek Next Generation Sega Genesis

Last updated on 9 years ago
Hi have diffcult time on game called Star Trek Next Generation on Sega Genesis. I wish you could make walk through or longplay video on YouTube video. Need some help from the game. Best ways for me to beat game. Wish you could help me out. Can't find any video that I can find on YouTube. Game is quite difficult to beat. Hope you can help me out. Thanks have great day.
To Mad Matty Hear what you mean about Star trek Echoes of Past for Genesis. Couldnt beat that game. Got far as the mine to rescues miners. From them nasty worms or ever they were. Very need some good video walkthrough to me out. I hated not beat a game I owned. That was one game couldnt figure out. Really if anyone could help me out on the game. Thank a bunch:)
I've had a quick look at the game before and it looks a daunting task to take on, much like the Buck Rogers game ;) There is also Star Trek - Deep Space Nine - Crossroads Of Time which looks more manageable but would take some effort to work out.
Hey Waverunner just wondering if you could help me. Defeat Star Trek: Echoes from the past. Thanks have day.
Yeah :) full game named. Thanks Happy Memorial Day
I'll check it out. Is it called "Echoes from the Past".
I'm perfectly content being known as the guy who longplayed Sneakers.
Since you guys are pros and smart of defeating very hard games. You guys could help out.:)
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