For RE (1996) / DC (1997) I decided to not only display all the several scenes, I looked into the rooms and objects, contemplating them, the same for the letters and the rest. I gave enough time for the viewer to read what the texts said, for example.
That's why it took so many hours to record everything. It was all saved in FRAPS @ 1080p-60fps. Game Shark codes were used (also for MGS), to make things easier.
This project tried to once and for all encompass all aspects from this game.
Besides what the FAQ instructed, I did the following:
- Video #1
- Kenneth's Body after Zombie Attack 2: 6:34:04 - Watch this video for more info:
Kenneth's legs are missing if Jill take too long to go there. This is a cool "easter egg" that many have not paid enough attention.
Wesker dead in the Power Room (the last room with Chimeras/Lab Monsters): 8:23:54 - many people never realize Wesker is there (where he triggered the alarm), because they don't have to return to this room to complete the game.
I too thought he escaped, but he was actually killed. That's also why he returns as a zombie in the Sega Saturn version, in a mini-game.
Video #2
- Scene 4b-c: Fail to save her: The Hunter decapitates Rebecca after you take too long to reach the Library (not mentioned by the FAQ): 4:07:22
- Jill - The locked door from the 2F that has a keypad (note: only Jill can open, after Barry gives her the pass number): 4:35:47 - there's nothing special about this part, it's only a shortcut, still many people think this is a secret room that can NEVER be opened. It can, but it's a path you don't bother to go after you move further in the game. And, of course, Chris can't do it.
Briefly commented here:
- Chris - Unlimited Rocket launcher, Special Key and the wardrobe room: 4:45:16
- Jill - Unlimited Rocket launcher, Special Key and the wardrobe room: 4:52:32
One thing odd about the original Resident is that once we change the clothes we can't go back and use the original ones. This was fixed in the Director's Cut.
MISSING FROM VIDEO #2 (CHRIS): NEPTUNE CGI (unfortunately I was unable to activate this for him). It's exactly like the one from Jill, the only difference is that it shows Chris's back in the last 1-2 seconds.
ADDED TO VIDEO #2: (all these from the japanese version):
- Uncut Opening FMV - Jill: 4:59:18
- Uncut Opening FMV - Chris: 5:05:50
- Uncut Zombie CGI #1: 5:05:14
- File Images with background (exclusive): 5:11:03
- Scene 16a. Ending A - Chris (Note: You must have rescued no one to see this ending.) - Uncensored version (with him smoking): 5:14:44
- Scene 17a. Credits Without Pictures (Note: You must have seen either Scene 16a or 16b to see these credits.) - japanese version: 5:16:04
- Scene 17b. Credits With Pictures (Note: You must have seen either Scene 17c or 17d in order to get these credits.) - gore/violent version (exclusive): 5:22:25
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (1997)
Again I wanted to show only the differences between these versions.
These were explained in this link:
- Jill - Scene 2. Inside The Mansion: 04:25
- Jill - Forest Speyer's Return: 14:06
- Jill - Scene 7bb. Barry in Main Hall 2f (Note: Must have the Chemical in inventory and come back to Main Hall 2f, not seeing Scene 7a.) - NEW CAMERA ANGLE: 15:45
- Jill - The wardrobe room: 18:52
- Chris - Scene 2. Inside The Mansion: 4:41:54
- Chris - The wardrobe room: 4:46:51
As for Metal Gear it was impossible to enable all the codec calls (that's why I said ALMOST ALL), and I have not reviewed that full text dump TXT file and removed the duplicate entries (compared to my recording), while writing in a new file the order in which my videos show these dialogues.
I started doing that:
Yet have stopped, since it was taking too much time.
For the record, this is the full text dump:
BTW, Resident Evil 2 has easter eggs, too:
And here the hidden gate angle:
If I could find a similar FAQ I could do another recording.
Edited by Perene on 31-12-2018 17:58,
6 years ago