So I've had this happen to me twice now. Longplay videos uploaded to Youtube seem to go out of sync in the uploading process, to the point that the audio is behind the video by about 3-4 seconds after a few hours of gameplay. The videos in question play fine on my computer and all other devices, and it's the same method each time for each game - so I am fairly certain the method is sound because it only happens SOMETIMES, the problem is with Youtube. For example, in one video I uploaded 1080p and 480p were in sync, but 720p and 360p were OUT of sync. In a recent upload, the entire video was out of sync (or rather, drifted out of sync) in all quality modes. I had to delete the video as it was unwatchable. Very annoyed about this, and have tried searching but to no avail.
Has anyone else has this issue? I'm at a loss for how to address this issue.
Edited by Linux Longplays on 03-05-2020 12:30,
5 years ago