Training before recording?

Last updated on 4 years ago
How are you guys have time to record multiple games? It's better to watch/read a walkthrough before actually recording a game or pass the game at once then record? Also i'm interested why there is no good rerecording emulator for Arcade?

It's a skills?
How long should I wait?


there are some ways to do it and get it done properly

How to do that? I heard that if you got a desync, you should rarely use savestates.
I know, I just chose the game as example.
Forgot to tell you Battletoads arcade was done a very long time ago:

Sorry but you are too late for that one. Sad
Arcade/Mame does not support proper input recording yet! It will desync in most games, there are some ways to do it and get it done properly but it is too much hassle, it is best to wait until it gets integrated into bizhawk indeed.
There's FinalBurn Neo which I think supports re-recording as well. However, my recommendation is to wait until a proper Arcade core gets added into BizHawk.
What if MAME emulator doesn't support rerecording in some games? I've tried to save/load in Battletoads (Arcade), but i've got a desync.
I would suggest completing the game off-screen first, then analyzing the most optimal way of doing a 100% completion without getting lost for the recording session.

If you are going to make use of the re-recording feature, then it would be much easier since you can rollback the mistakes by playing the video, pausing at a sweet spot, savestating there, re-enabling input writing and loading the savestate you have just made.
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