
Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Master System
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 04/09/2014
YouTube Release: 31/12/2028
Duration: 00:48:53
File Size: 95.88 MB (98184.00 KB)
Downloads: 506 downloads
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Player's Review

8-Bit port to the ole Master System. This version has come out quite well when compared with the Amiga original although some concessions have had to be made.

The gameplay remains mostly intact although the controls feel so damn light and clunky making the game seem more difficult than it should be. Graphically, it doesn't look to different to the 16-bit versions and the music is ...well, reasonable for a master system rendition.

Apart from the controls, another annoying aspect is that you have to pretty much collect every damned collectable before the level exit appears. Some levels you can skip just a few, but for the most part you must explore every nook and cranny and pick up every last one. There are not many hidden areas at all in this version but I have tried to show the few that do exist. There are no super (large) collectables. I also did not notice any way of accessing the spaceship bonus game if it exists in this version. The bosses are really easy to defeat in this version. I do try to show how you are supposed to beat them, but at some point I just get fed up and use the spinning sword attack (enerygy be damned!) and can kill them really quick this way.

On the first level, you'll see me rush past everything to get to a superjump pickup. This was done in order to show an Extra Life pickup. If you dont get to the pickup in the time that the first superjump pickup lasts, there is no way to reach the second superjump pickup needed to reach the extra life.