Lemmings 2: The Tribes

Longplay Information

Author(s): Lemmy556Lemmy556
System: Mega Drive / Genesis
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: NR
Publication Date: 21/11/2010
YouTube Release: 31/12/2035
Duration: 04:44:07
File Size: 561.00 MB (574464.00 KB)
Downloads: 969 downloads
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Player's Review

My favorite game from Lemmings series. There is already AMIGA longplay of this game and I played SNES port of this game for my Youtube channel. This port is something between of those two ports. Sega port has some levels from SNES port, but most were from original AMIGA port. There is no chain machine, which is also missing from SNES port. Sega has 50 lemmings in each tribe (AMIGA 60 and SNES 40). There is also few other little differences, but I'm too lazy to list them. I managed to save EVERY lemming on each tribe, except Polar. One poor lemming died at polar 8 level. Very sad...

I also tried some faster solutions. I also showed all those amazingly long passwords at the end of video after ending. This port also got a bunch of glitches too.