Moto Roader MC

Longplay Information

Author(s): NPINPI
System: PC Engine CD / TurboGrafx-CD
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 04/03/2013
YouTube Release: 31/12/2031
Duration: 01:05:43
File Size: 136.22 MB (139493.76 KB)
Downloads: 507 downloads
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Player's Review

Here's yet another racing game with many variations. There is the 1 player mode which is divided into 5 different track sets you can play (and you can make your own track list). After each set you have a short ending, with ending credits I added at the end of the last track set, as it's always the same so no need to make it go all the time I finish a set. Also there is a time attack mode, in which you can practice those tracks, so I didn't included this, as it's the same tracks and no ending.

A 2 Player mode exist, which is a car soccer and another arcade mode. No endings in these modes.

2 Player mode starts at 00:39:12