Progear no Arashi

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Arcade - Capcom
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 12/12/2021
YouTube Release: 31/12/2025
Duration: 00:50:48
File Size: 2931.55 MB (3001909.75 KB)
Downloads: 99 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

Shmup by Cave and Capcom, you get to choose between six different combinations of pilots/co-pilots, each with varied gunpower.

The game actually lasts for two loops. To get the second loop, you need to beat the first one without using bombs... or using two at maximum. You also get a nice ending that depends on the combination you've chosen and the partner's loyalty.

This longplay is basically Bolt & Nail's playthrough on Normal difficulty, while exploiting the infamous walk-through-bullets 'glitch' that's typical of bullet hell shooters. But hey, I got the best ending for that couple LOL! Oh and by the way, this is the Japanese version that features voiceovers for the characters.