Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Longplay Information

Author(s): EinoEino
System: DOS
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 03/09/2014
YouTube Release: 31/12/2031
Duration: 00:20:08
File Size: 61.56 MB (63039.73 KB)
Downloads: 642 downloads
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Player's Review

Terrible version! Graphics and music are only things that don't totally suck. Controls are laggy and unresponsive, frame rate is terrible and gameplay experience is...awful. Often denounced Amiga version is a masterpiece compared to this one.

There's a different button for punch and kick, but both buttons just seem to do same moves. The only difference is that when trying to do a special move a correct attack button needs to be used. So it's kind of like the Amiga version, but with even worse controls because there's an extra button that you have to use without any benefits. Some special moves I could do, but some don't seem to work at all. These are charge moves such as Sonic Boom etc. I'm not sure if there's some special control scheme for these moves in this version compared to every other port or if controls are just so crappy that moves aren't registered properly. Once in this video I managed to do Ball Attack with Blanka, but that happened by accident.

The game does support Roland MT-32 and it was emulated in this video. There seems to be some sort of problem with music though. Even though there are several different songs that can be played at menu only two songs are played during the game and switched at arbitrary locations. For example sometimes between rounds and sometimes the same song just keeps playing for several fights. Most people didn't have the luxury of owning MT-32 and had only a Sound Blaster. I don't think I ever heard a DOS game sound this awful with SB and nobody in their right mind would want to play the music when there's an option to turn it off. Much better choice than to create MIDIs that would sound bad with most PCs would've been just to rip MODs from Amiga version as was done with several other Amiga to PC ports at the time.