Journey to the West

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Supervision
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 12/07/2023
YouTube Release: 31/12/2032
Duration: 00:28:49
File Size: 43.39 MB (44426.77 KB)
Downloads: 82 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

For those who do not know about this 'rare' handheld, the Watara Supervision was made with the intention to compete with the (best selling at the time) Game Boy. The console was manufactured in Asia though surprisingly it saw the light elsewhere, unlike other elusive consoles from the region. However, its commercial failure (if we can call it like that) caused its catalogue to be severely reduced compared to, again, the Game Boy.

Now regarding the game itself. It is a platformer with a plot based on the 'Journey to the West' novels. Though to be honest it really suffers from sluggish controls and sometimes regular to mediocre hit detection, especially if it's towards an enemy. The game's text is shown first in Chinese and then in English, which means it was probably released worldwide and not just in the Asian region. As for the length it's really short, but add the very tedious boss battles where you might want to blame the slow controls as previously mentioned.

You only have one weapon which can be used for every attack, depending on the circumstance it can act as either a close combat or ranged weapon. To replenish your health there are hearts and acorns to collect, though they don't appear very frequently considering the difficulty since there are times where a boss can continuously deal lots of damage without giving you time to counter-react.

If you are masochist enough to go through a game like this, then go ahead but be prepared for its mediocre controls. Otherwise just avoid.

00:00 - Start
00:48 - Eagle's Sorrow Gorge
06:06 - Desert
08:39 - Dragon Palace
14:42 - White Bone Demon's Cave
20:37 - Gossamer Cave
24:03 - Fiery Mountains
27:22 - Ending