Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Mega-CD / Sega-CD
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 13/01/2014
YouTube Release: 31/12/2028
Duration: 00:54:26
File Size: 824.16 MB (843940.00 KB)
Downloads: 609 downloads
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Player's Review

Game played on its default Hard mode which is...damned Hard! Each chapter is followed by a story segment so dont skip to much if you want to see it all Wink

It starts our fairly easy, just to give you a chance to get used to spotting the various obstacles and paths. The health pickups can be quite far apart sometimes which presents problems later when you have mines on the road and being shot at from the sides. You can easily endup going round in circles if you miss a turning. Sometimes the turning isnt obvious and if the road ahead is blocked, you may just get a split second to make sure you take the sharp turning just right. Most of the longplay is just shooting road obstacles. You cant hit any life forms as you will lose time, apart from the poachers in which you can kill em all. And if the game still isnt difficult enough, you get 1 hour to complete the game.

Chapters 7-9, I am on a train and you get a second gun to operate for clearing road obstacles. This ammo is limited and should be used sparingly. It can be really difficult to stay alive in the tunnels as the health crystals are few and dont do very much. The enemies also get to shoot before being on screen taking away valuable health, so I endup shooting randomly where I think they will appear. The final level is toughest of all. No checkpoints and you have to fill the green meter before the game will let you out. Sometimes the gaps between green steam pockets can be quite large giving the dinosaur to catch up. The biggest disappointment for me wasnt the game, but the fact that the good ending is the shortest story animation in the whole game!

00:00:00 Intro + Chapter 1 (Xenozoic)
00:09:55 Chapter 2 (The Grith)
00:14:42 Chapter 3 (Toxic Terrain)
00:18:50 Chapter 4 (Death Dealers)
00:24:25 Chapter 5 (Escape)
00:29:04 Chapter 6 (Weird Science)
00:35:54 Chapter 7 (Tomb)
00:40:38 Chapter 8 (Express Rail)
00:47:17 Chapter 9 (Reactor) + Ending / Credits

00:52:07 A few death scenes
00:53:47 Bad Ending if you run out of time.