Virtua Fighter Remix

Longplay Information

Author(s): deskawadeskawa
System: Saturn
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 17/01/2011
YouTube Release: 31/12/2028
Duration: 00:14:11
File Size: 156.01 MB (159751.88 KB)
Downloads: 927 downloads
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Player's Review

As you all know, this is one of the most influential games ever made. The original arcade version came out in 1993, two years after Street Fighter 2. While most fighters in that time just cloned SF2 speciall skill and air combat mechanics, VF tried to focus more on a more realistic combat system, where the crucial point would be the combination of low, mid and high attacks, and of course hitting hard when your opponent makes an error. The combat system is surprisingly succesful and advanced for a pioneer like this, there are various throws, reversals, combos, juggles...

And that was about the original Virtua Fighter. This game I'm playing is the Saturn version of Virtua Fighter Remix, which is a VF remake that came a year after the original and just added textures to the character models, so it looks 100 times better.

This is a simple and short walkthrough with Pai. I'm not a super expert so she did a great job for me. I also could beat Dural, who is more of a bonus character than a true final boss.