Sir Ababol Remastered Edition (Homebrew)

Longplay Information

Author(s): JohnX895JohnX895
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Homebrew
Publication Date: 27/11/2020
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 00:07:00
File Size: 10.70 MB (10952.11 KB)
Downloads: 176 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

In the late 11th century, a young Crusader named sir Anabol from the city of Manchester traveled the green prairies of French Britain, climbed the endless heights in the Pyrenees, and arrived at the Alcoraz river. There, he was completely surprised at how Saint George of Cappadocia helped the Christians to conquer territories belonging to non-believers.
He was so surprised that he didn't notice and tripped over a rock and fell on a big thick ball of thorns. It made him leap into the air and fall into the river, which led him to the Desert of monegros-style house.
When he awoke from the fact that his face was being licked by a sheep, he realized that he had lost his mighty sword, without which he could not continue his journey around the world. He asked the farmer if he had seen his sword. The guy just frowned in response, and pointed to a plot of land where a lot of wild flowers grow and loot.
From now on, his fate is in your hands. Help him collect the strange flowers and babla and return the sword to him so that he can continue his journey to Jerusalem.