Mega Man 4


Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 02/11/2021
YouTube Release: 14/05/2024
Duration: 01:00:35
File Size: 139.10 MB (142437.35 KB)
Downloads: 294 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

The fourth title in the series.

Plot: 'One year after the events of Mega Man 3, a mysterious Russian scientist named Dr. Cossack unleashes an army of robots with the intention of world domination, much like Dr. Wily before him. Dr. Light calls upon his own greatest creation, the hero Mega Man, to go after Cossack's Robot Masters, who have seized control of eight cities. He also equips Mega Man with the New Mega Buster, which he developed in secret.'

This longplay replaces the old video since it had bad quality overall.

0:00:00 - Start
0:02:27 - Toad Man
0:05:47 - Bright Man
0:09:18 - Pharaoh Man
0:12:19 - Ring Man
0:16:19 - Dust Man
0:19:16 - Skull Man
0:22:44 - Dive Man
0:26:30 - Drill Man
0:29:47 - Dr. Cossack Stage 1
0:32:31 - Dr. Cossack Stage 2
0:35:22 - Dr. Cossack Stage 3
0:38:47 - Dr. Cossack Stage 4
0:42:09 - Dr. Wily Stage 1
0:45:36 - Dr. Wily Stage 2
0:48:49 - Dr. Wily Stage 3
0:54:54 - Dr. Wily Stage 4
0:56:30 - Ending & Credits