Bomber King

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 17/08/2023
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 02:42:46
File Size: 497.02 MB (508944.76 KB)
Downloads: 143 downloads
File Links:

Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

EXPLOSIVE[kinda] game by Hudson Soft. Spin off-ish of Bomberman series...question mark...and also known as RoboWarrior in the US...but do we know?!

Follow...a robit?...SOMETHING!,,,as they land on a planet to save the wildlife.

Gameplay is like a Bomberman game...kinda. You lay bombs to destroy obstacles. CAREFUL! The bombs also can do a lot of damage to and can outright kill you if your level isn't high or don't have enough health at higher levels. Obstacles may contain goodies. You also have a smol gun you can use to beat up enemies with. Overall goal is to find a key to get to the next level. Some stages contain a chalice you HAVE to collect. Failure to collect it will make you loop a certain segment until you find it. There's a problem when you go from 300k points to 800k and find out there's a chalice to get. True story. DIFFERENCES!: The Japanese version of Robo Warrior (this game) is actually harder: Bombs do more damage to you and dying puts you back to the beginning of the Period (if on Period 5-3, you go back to Period 5-1).

This longplay no-skills the game while getting hit by everything and getting lost in almost every underground area. While I'm at it, I stuff in the theme song at the end. APPARENTLY, there are lyrics! Second part is in the instruction manual.