Star Soldier

Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 06/02/2012
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 00:31:00
File Size: 173.10 MB (177251.11 KB)
Downloads: 709 downloads
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Player's Review

Shmup by Hudson.

Dunno about the plot. Shmup = AUTO-NO PLOT!

This game gets confusing. You can dive under the terrain to avoid enemy fire...but you can't shoot back. Starbrains are on a time limit. Running out of time puts you halfway through the stage. However, the boss retains all damage done to it. It gets harder due to heat-seeking fireballs.

Just playing through the game. All Starbrains destroyed on the first go. Never played this game before.