
Longplay Information

System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 19/04/2018
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 00:16:13
File Size: 14.90 MB (15257.24 KB)
Downloads: 268 downloads
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Player's Review

Qix (pronounced "kicks" ) is an arcade game released by Taito America Corporation in October 1981. Qix was ported to the contemporary Atari 5200 (1982), Atari 8-bit family (1983), and Commodore 64 (1983), then was brought to a wide variety of systems in the late 1980s and early 1990s: MS-DOS (1989), Amiga (1989), another version for the C64 (1989), Apple IIgs (1990), Game Boy (1990), Nintendo Entertainment System (1991), and Atari Lynx (1991).

The objective of Qix is to fence off, or claim, a supermajority of the playfield. At the start of each level, the playing field is a large, empty rectangle, containing the "Qix" - a stick-like entity that performs fluid but unpredictable motions within the confines of the rectangle.

After level 8, the levels stop changing, so I play until level 12 and then lose.