Super Contra 7 (Unlicensed)

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Unlicensed
Publication Date: 11/08/2019
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 00:06:08
File Size: 27.31 MB (27965.21 KB)
Downloads: 285 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

Possibly the best known Contra bootleg. Developed by Waixing and released in mainland China in 1996. The game's engine is lifted from Super Contra/Super C, however the score counter seems to not work (you can still gain lives though).

There is a way to 'quickly' beat the fourth boss, but this requires luck if you play on real hardware. If you use the 'P' powerup right before that boss, it will instant kill him.