Cocoron (Fan Translation)


Longplay Information

Author(s): TsunaoTsunao
System: Nintendo Entertainment System / Family Computer
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Fan Translation
Publication Date: 29/11/2023
YouTube Release: 31/12/2032
Duration: 01:03:38
File Size: 158.04 MB (161830.44 KB)
Downloads: 851 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

[cute!] Sidescroller by K2 and Takeru, a company created by Mega Man's creator who also produced this game.

Something about a tapir and some dreams and finding a cocorin and cocoron...whatever dat be...and a princess.

Gameplay involves assembling your character: a face, a body, and a weapon of choice while trying to find some balance with Weight (how fast you move and how high you jump) and Life (health). Body determines if you get some kind of bonus, like floating or not sliding on slopes. Weapons ranged from meh to OP (Attack Power). Can be upgraded by collecting the icons!

This longplay assembles a HEAVY BOI and spams the boomerang while kinda playing with no skills. The game isn't TERRIBLY difficult, but the last few stages are pretty difficult without floaty shenanigans. I do switch up characters a bit during the rescue segment.