Lamborghini American Challenge

Longplay Information

Author(s): MadMattyMadMatty
System: Super Nintendo / Super Famicom
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 05/11/2013
YouTube Release: 31/12/2029
Duration: 01:26:30
File Size: 381.68 MB (390844.00 KB)
Downloads: 551 downloads
File Links:


Player's Review

SNES port of the Amiga game Lamborghini American Challenge. Its a little faster than the Amiga version, but that is likely due to the smaller resolution and loss of roadside details. Its also a lot brighter. Apart from that the game is mostly the same with the edition of in game music. The game it self is a re-imagining of Crazy Cars III released previously on the Amiga.

I haven't bothered to race every race. Just enough to buy all the upgrades and move onto the next championship. I havent seen the ending to Lamborghini on the Amiga, but compared to Crazy Cars III, the ending has been drastically cut in this version making this playthrough a little disappointing for me.

I have cropped the bottom of the screen, as most of the game would have a huge black bar at the bottom. Nothing is massively cut from the menu screen apart from the password, but you don't need to see that right?? Wink