SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2
Player's Review
In this game there are three different Gundams with three different stories you can play:
00:00:41 Gundam Mk-II
00:19:05 Z Gundam
00:42:30 Hyaku Shiki Gundam
01:04:35 Vs. Mode
If you input Up, Down, X, Left, Right, Y, B, A before the title screen (You should hear a short music track, example at 01:06:23) you can set black mode in the options and you get to play as Black Gundam.
01:06:50 Black Gundam
00:00:41 Gundam Mk-II
00:19:05 Z Gundam
00:42:30 Hyaku Shiki Gundam
01:04:35 Vs. Mode
If you input Up, Down, X, Left, Right, Y, B, A before the title screen (You should hear a short music track, example at 01:06:23) you can set black mode in the options and you get to play as Black Gundam.
01:06:50 Black Gundam
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