Kowai Shashin (Fan Translation)

Longplay Information

Author(s): KAGE-008KAGE-008
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: Fan Translation
Publication Date: 08/10/2022
YouTube Release: 31/12/2027
Duration: 02:01:13
File Size: 939.55 MB (962095.01 KB)
Downloads: 170 downloads
File Links:
Archived Submission Thread


Player's Review

A really obscure game that remained Japan only, where a cute (and hot at the same time) girl named Hiori has to use her exorcism powers to break the curse in each of the photos she receives, each one telling a particular story that happened in her past.

The game has three loops, with the last one being the hardest, also that each loop has a specific button sequence for each of the 9 seals. Complete the first loop and you get to unlock a photo album, this also applies for the other two playthroughs. What does NOT change after completing a loop is the story itself that remains the same, so I included the final bossfight for the second and final loops (yes, final since if you play again after that you get the same 3rd loop sequences) to show off the differences in the button sequences. And, at the end of the video, I take a look at the Gallery, showing all three photo albums.