Dino Crisis 2

Longplay Information

Author(s): StoneworldStoneworld
System: PlayStation
Subtitle Language:
Additional Info: No information available
Publication Date: 23/12/2012
YouTube Release: 31/12/2026
Duration: 03:27:45
File Size: 782.73 MB (801519.15 KB)
Downloads: 1280 downloads
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Player's Review

I've tryed has far as possible to not get hitted by the dinosaurs, except on 2 part. First was when the t-rex chasing me when i'm in a tank (it is impossible to not get hitted) and, obviously, the last boss who was, at my opinion, the biggest troll ever coming from a videogame. There's only one ending in this game and... this is a pretty good one i think. (Anyway, has you can see, i love trolling the Allosaurus!)